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Tortilla Prehispánica
Tortilla al alto vacío

Due to its excellence, it is our top selling product. The recipe was elaborated along with chefs and nutritionists. Ideal resistance, color, and taste.

Size: 14 cm



Tortilla de anaquel

Three month life without refrigeration.

Size: 14 cm, 10.4, 12, 7 and 11.5



Three month refrigeration life. No preservatives.


Size: 14, 10.4, 12, 7, y 11.5 cm. 




Tortilla taquera

Ideal size for “taquitos al pastor” and chalupas. Incredible resistance. 


Tamaño: 10.4 cm




The classic formula from which we create our premium tortillas.


Quantity: KG


Pre-cooked dough ovals. One of our best-sellers.


Size: 7 x 11.5 cm



tortilla combinada
Tortilla Talavera
tortilla verde
Tortilla Jade

Made of white and blue corn.

 We guarantee your guests will be talking about this tortilla.

Size: 14 cm



This tortilla consists of more nopal (prickly pear) and is made of blue corn. It is more resistant and features a natural jade green without  artificial  colorants.

Size: 14

Tortilla Galeón de Atocha
Comida con oro
Tortilla Tesoro de Moctezuma

If you wish to impress, what better than a select blue corn tortilla

covered on one side with hallmarked silver .999

Size: 14 cm

The best dish in years. They will not stop talking about your creation. This select, blue or black corn tortilla, is covered on one side with 24 kt, 100% edible gold leaf.


Size: 14 cm

tortilla negra
Tortilla Espejo negro


Made with black select  corn from Chiapas.

Size: 14 cm



tortilla con diseño
Tortilla by design

If you wish to create your ideal tortilla, we will advise you, produce, and deliver it  to your door.

Minimum order size: 40 kg

Size : Dn/S




Corn flour Prehispanic Formulas

Presentation: 17.63 oz (1/2 kilo) and 35.26 oz in stand up pouch with zipper 


Ingredients: Prehispanic formula corn flour ready to prepare corn dough to make tortillas. Just  by adding water and mixing.

Tortilla Tesoro de Moctezuma
Tortilla Talavera
Tortilla sobre diseño
Tortilla Taquera
Tortilla Jade
Tortilla Espejo Negro
Tortilla de alto vacío.
Tortilla prehispanica
More information? Contact us

We are here to assist you. Contact us by phone or through our social channels. 

© 2018 Hacienda #30

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